“Jumanji: Next Level” is nothing but pure fun and a worthy successor.

2019 brought us several much anticipated sequels and Jumanji: Next Level is no exception to that rule. I am a huge fan of the original movie starring Robin Williams but I was also pretty impressed with the sequel back in 2017. I like that it’s not a direct sequel and that they’re reinventing the property. The first movie lacks in nothing and Jumanji: Next Level is the same. I have to say that I think I enjoyed this movie just as much as I did the first and I think a lot of people would agree with me. It’s not often that a sequel actually impresses and improves upon the original.

The original film brought on a list of A-list actors and the second one brings back the whole cast pus newcomers Danny Devito, Danny Glover, and Awkwafina. The cast has so much chemistry together and you can really tell throughout the whole movie. The comedic moments between Devito and Glover are honestly some of the moments I I found to be the most funny. Also it’s quite telling of Kevin Hart, Jack Black, and Dwayne Johnson’s talent that they were able to mimic the comedy legends and convince the audience that Devito was The Rock in the game Jumanji. The audience can tell that the whole cast is having the most fun with this movie the whole time and I think that’s so important. With a cast laced with comedy geniuses the movie is nothing but hilarious and I found myself laughing out loud literally at several points in the movie. I’ll also say that the villain is MUCH better in this film and I have to admit that part of me was just happy to see Rory McCann again after the end of “Game of Thrones” earlier this year.

Something I always say is that a movie does not have to be awards season worthy for anyone to enjoy it or admit to enjoying it. This movie is pure fun and it’s one of those movies that is most funny when viewed with a family or a group of friends. Also worth pointing out is the change of setting. The jungle scenes do get old and if I had a dollar for every movie Dwayne Johnson has done that takes place in a jungle I’d be rich so the change of scenery in this film was great for me. Does this movie go on for a bit too long? Well, to be honest, every movie these days suffers from this. While some movies definitely warrant a two hour time slot.. this movie does not. I would’ve liked it to have been cut down a little bit more because I found it dragging at certain moments in the film but those moments were few and far between because like the first movie every moment of this movie is action-packed. These movies are the epitome of action/adventure films and I really do enjoy them.

The graphics and CGI-work is great per usual and one of the best parts of these movies and I applaud everyone in those departments on their work for both movies because if it weren’t for them these movies would not look half as good without them.

Image result for jumanji next level"

Go see this movie with your family! Beware that there are several swear words that are used throughout the movie that might not be suitable for young ears but the rest of the movie is a lot of fun. I’ll definitely be going for round two sometime soon!

Fun Rating: 10/10

Rating: 7/10

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